Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “configuration”
Configuring Apache Server Load Balancing for Multiple Virtual Hosts
Another day – another lesson learned. Today I tried to optimize Apache HTTP server configuration in a sense to write less configuration to achieve the same result. Of course I messed up the first few times since I’m not really an admin and don’t have that much experience doing that. Typically relying on short configuration samples and snippets does the trick, but it’s not always the best way to do things.
Maven profiles.xml issue (MNG-3933)
If you’re using a profiles.xml file to store your profiles and want to migrate from Maven 2.0.x to Maven 2.1.x or later chances are you’ll run into a build failure. In my case the error message was “Reason: Failed to activate local (project-level) build profiles: Cannot parse profiles.xml resource from directory: …”
The root cause of this from the stack trace might look like this:
Caused by: org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException: Expected root element 'profilesXml' but found 'profiles' (position: START_TAG seen <?
Profiling Firefox
OK, this is a simple one, but I sometimes forget, because usually you do it once on any computer and then don’t think about it. Firefox is a great browser and what’s even more great is that it allows you to create different profiles so you can have different configurations/add-ons/layouts for general browsing, web development, extension development, etc. The first step is to create a new profile which can be done by typing